What are the acupuncture needles like?
The needles are very thin and can vary in length. As many as 25 needles can fit inside of a syringe used in a doctors office. The needles are inserted to as little a depth as 2mm on areas of the body where only shallow insertion is required and up to several inches of depth where the deepest insertion is required. Acupuncture needles are pre sterilized, used once, then disposed of. There is no possibility of contamination or transmission of disease.
Does acupuncture hurt? What will it feel like?
While everyone is different, the typical experience with acupuncture is one of relaxation. They are usually painless upon insertion, but you may feel a slight pricking, numbness, heaviness, or distended sensation in the area around the needle when it is inserted. These sensations usually last only a moment. Often times people leave a treatment feeling deeply relaxed, similar to having received a massage, due to the release of calming neurotransmitters and the fact that 75% of acupuncture points correspond to common myofascial trigger points.
Are there any side effects?
Acupuncture is rare among medical procedures in that it when it is performed by a Licensed Acupuncturist the side effects are minor and few. There might be minor bruising in the area of acupuncture needle insertion.
How long does the treatment take?
The initial intake appointment lasts approximately 90 minutes due to the intake interview and examination. Follow up visits last about 50-60 minutes.
Does insurance cover acupuncture?
Coverage varies between different insurance companies and plans. Call your insurance company to determine if your plan offers coverage for acupuncture. You are able to use your health care savings account or flex benefits if you choose.
How many treatments are necessary?
The number of treatments required varies between individuals and depends upon the successful identification and elimination of perpetuating factors contributing to your condition.